Because the Streamlabs Chatbot has arrived!
Now you can publish timed messages, build custom commands, and set up chat alerts with the chatbot included in the latest version of Streamlabs Desktop.
We sat down with our lead chatbot developer, Marcin Swierzowski, to find out why this is awesome for streamers.

Q: Why are you excited about the chatbot existing in Streamlabs Desktop?
M: This gives streamers a unified streaming experience with all of their tools in one place. No need to run different programs that use up extra CPU.
The Chatbot is also completely cloud hosted so there’s no worry about losing anything when your system crashes. This also makes it so the bot will be active 24/7.

Q: What is the feature in the current release you think is the coolest and why?
M: Currently for the first release we’re releasing the basic features a bot should contain. Though most probably noticed the newly improved giveaway system on, which makes use of the Chatbot to run custom & merch giveaways.
There are quite a lot of features that are still in the works and will be coming soon. Everything will be rolled out in stages so we can make sure it’s stable.
Q: Does this work with Cloud Backups? ie: if I sign into Streamlabs Desktop from another computer, will all my settings be preserved?
M: All of the Chatbot’s settings are stored on our Servers so if you log in to Streamlabs Desktop on a different computer everything will be there.
Q: What are some common uses of the “Timer” feature in the chatbot?
M: Timers are mainly used to post repeating messages notifying viewers of your Social Media, ongoing or planned events.

Q: What’s the craziest or strangest use for the chatbot you’ve seen over the years?
M: The craziest use I have seen was a Pokemon game made purely through the built in parameters that manipulated text files. That allowed you to battle, trade and capture Pokemon.
Huge thanks to Marcin for all his hard work on the chatbot!
To get it, just download Streamlabs Desktop and then kick back and relax while our robots work hard so that you don’t have to.
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