This Sunday is Mother’s Day all around the world and here at Streamlabs we wanted to celebrate the day by highlighting a few moms out there live streaming with us, and takin’ care of business too. We asked a few of them some questions about their journey. Here are some of the highlights. Be sure to check out their streams. Stay strong ladies, and Happy Mother’s Day! Ya’ll Rock!

Why did you create the Team MAD stream Team?
Twitch channel, Just_Seum | Location: Orange County, CA USA

We currently have 17 Moms streaming, and I created the stream team Moms and Dads as a means to provide support for parents who stream while also juggling the joys of parenthood.
Streaming in itself is no easy task for anyone, and to add trying to do it (especially full time) with children in the mix, we needed others who would understand.
It’s been a great community of parents coming together to help uplift a fellow parent when juggling it all just got to tough, to celebrating one of their kid’s accomplishments. It’s families becoming family, and I couldn’t be more grateful for them all.
Why do you stream?
Twitch channel, Mrs_Wyld | Location: South Australia
I *am* a Mother. Capital M. I am and have always been about educating and learning, sharing and encouraging. I share a lifetime of experience .. a 50+ year obsession with cooking (and growing the things I cook) as well as the experiences and knowledge gleaned from decades of working with the Elderly, disabled, children .. even working behind a bar!! Knowledge gleaned from a lifetime obsession with reading anything and everything I could get my hands on. Even better, I learn from the folks who chat with me while I am streaming.
I came to gaming late in life, so they guide me through the games. They teach me and we *all* get a buzz from it.
Do you ever stream with your kids?
Twitch channel, MandaLin21 | Location: Salem, Oregon, USA
I usually have a Family Friday stream where one of my kids joins me in-game (usually a game of their choice).
We also stream Extra Life together & managed almost the full 24 hours with at least one kid streaming with me.
We’re planning on doing our Extra Life marathon again in November, around Thanksgiving. I stream family-friendly games so that anyone can come and watch. Parents won’t need to worry about the content or language and the whole family can watch together, or even join in the fun.
Why do you both stream?
Twitch channel, Blue_and_Em (Blueberries and Emeralds) | Location: Vancouver, BC
We stream mostly for fun. We are both stay-at-home mom’s — so after a day of dealing with wiping bums, doing laundry, keeping the kids from hurting each other, and being a short-order cook, we can finally relax and play a game when the kids are sleep!
Plus, now with TeamMad, we have found other parents who can relate to us.
Do you play any games that have a mom as a character or is a part of the story?
Twitch channel, MellsaMagic | Location: Seattle, WA
One of my favorite characters in Overwatch is Ana. She’s a 60 year old mother to another character in the game.

How do the tips help you in your life?
Twitch Channel, spaitogaming | Location: Phoenix, AZ USA
I am a stay-at-home mom and a student so being able to bring in extra money each month helps so much! Especially when it comes down to getting new games for the stream or if I need new lighting or a new capture card. It also helps by being able to do giveaways for viewers as well as fund trips to events without killing my bank account.
My viewers and friends are always there for me and have always supported me in so many ways and for that I am forever grateful to them!
Anything you would like to say to your community
Twitch Channel, TheSilverFoxe | St. Louis, MO USA
In June/July of 2016 I was diagnosed with a rare cancer, Fibromyxoid Sarcoma. I was incredibly overwhelmed and did not know what would become of my family or my Twitch career.
I came out to my community about my diagnosis and was met with an incredible amount of love and support. My community put together a Go Fund Me page and surprised me one night while I was live.
Together my community raised $10,000, all of which went to my cancer bills. I don’t know where I would be or if my family would have made it without the support of this amazing community. I am forever thankful for those who have helped me in my darkest hour.