Facebook-specific alert boxes are now available in Streamlabs Desktop. Navigate to our widget themes gallery and you’ll see 31 brand new alerts created to work specifically with Facebook Gaming.

Now when you receive Facebook Follows, Stars, Likes, Supports, and Shares a beautiful custom alert will appear on the screen for your audience.
New Overlay Themes

Want to customize the look and feel of your stream? 31 Brand new overlay themes are also now available. The overlay themes also include a banner graphic that Facebook streamers can upload as their cover photo to display on their page.

What’s next?
Last year there was a 91% increase in live streamers using Streamlabs Desktop on Facebook. We want to support this growing community of creators; one way we are doing that is by increasing the number of customization options available for Facebook Gaming in Streamlabs Desktop.
This is only the beginning. We are currently making hundreds of our alerts compatible with Facebook Gaming. Soon you’ll be able to use 236 alert box themes for Facebook.
Remember, Facebook Gaming is integrated with Streamlabs Desktop. To get started streaming, make sure to check out our tutorial on Facebook Gaming’s website here.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.