Visit our website to learn more about adding Twitch panels to your live stream.
Striving to create a professional-looking stream is a great way to communicate to viewers that you care about your craft. A beautiful looking stream (in addition to entertaining content), can encourage new viewers to stick around and drop a follow.
One of the best ways to create a beautiful channel is by including custom panels for your live stream. Panels provide viewers with links to important websites that you want them to see; this can be anything from your Twitter, Instagram, Creator Site, donation URL, and everything in between.

Panels help keep your brand cohesive and consistent throughout your channel. With hundreds of styles to choose from, you can easily find a template that fits your personality and unique channel theme.
Completely Customizable
Each template comes with a panel for your donations, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Merch store, and Creator Site. Don’t see a panel you want? You can simply click “Add Panel” to add another.
You can choose from over 20 different icons to match the website or social media you want the panel to link to.

Each template comes with a variety of different colors. You also have the ability to completely customize the font style, text, size, and position.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
You can download Streamlabs Desktop here.